Achieving Your 2024 Weight Loss Goals: 3 Common Mistakes and How to Overcome Them


In this blog, we're diving into your New Year's resolution to lose weight. I'm going to walk you through 3 common mistakes people & how to overcome them.

Mistake #1:

The first mistake people make is trying to Do Too Much All at Once. You try to change everything all at once. New Year's resolutions often lead to this tendency. However, this approach can be overwhelming and set you up for failure. It's crucial to avoid feeling like a failure if you can't stick to an overly ambitious plan. When it comes to dieting, being overly restrictive or making too many changes all at once can lead to overcompensation and binge-eating behaviors. Similarly, setting unrealistic workout goals can leave you feeling like a failure and demotivated.

The Solution:

The solution to this is gradual Habit Building. Focus on building habits gradually and slowly. Rather than attempting to change everything overnight, start with small, manageable changes that you can incorporate into your daily routine. The concept of gradual habit building involves mastering the first two minutes of a habit and then progressively adding more steps. This approach allows you to make lasting changes without feeling overwhelmed. An example here could be when you wake up the first thing you do is put on your workout clothes. This will make it more likely that you will do some form of workout even if it doesn’t start out as a 30 minute workout, maybe it’s a quick 10 minute you tube workout video. I have a bunch you can check out on my You Tube Channel. 

Mistake #2:

Another common error is having unrealistic expectations and being too focused on the end goal, such as rapid weight loss. The fitness industry and social media often create an illusion that quick results are achievable, leading to disappointment when those results don't materialize as expected. Additionally, comparing your journey to someone else's can set you up for frustration.


The solution is to focus on Behavior Instead of fixating solely on outcomes, it's essential to focus on the behaviors that lead to those outcomes. Concentrate on the actions and habits you can control, such as consistent exercise and healthy eating. Success should be measured by these behavioral changes rather than just the number on the scale or how you look. Behavioral-focused goals are more sustainable and fulfilling in the long run.

Mistake #3:

Mistake number 3 is embarking on a weight loss journey without a clear understanding of why you're doing it. Superficial reasons or expecting weight loss to solve all your problems can lead to disappointment and failure. It's essential to dig deep and identify the meaningful, personal reasons behind your desire to lose weight.

For me this was not wanting to live in pain everyday after recovering from some serious injuries. For you it might be so you have the energy to run and play with your kids or furr babies or maybe it’s health related and you want to reduce your chances of heart disease or some other condition. Whatever it may be it will help keep you motivated on the days you don’t feel like it.


The solution is to Clarify Your "Why" To address this mistake, I recommend an exercise called "Your Ideal Life." Imagine a day in your ideal life, a year from now, or even five years from now. Visualize the details, the emotions, and how you feel in this ideal day. By doing this exercise, you can uncover your true motivations and why losing weight is crucial to achieving the life you desire. This exercise connects you deeply to your "why" and helps you stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey.


So there you have it—three common weight loss mistakes and practical solutions to overcome them. Remember that gradual habit building, focusing on behavior rather than just outcomes, and having a clear "why" can make your weight loss journey more successful and sustainable.

If you’re looking to up your workout game in 2024 I have an exciting FREE 21 day workout challenge to get you into the habit of working out. It’s free and you can join by clicking the link HERE. Wishing you a successful and fulfilling weight loss journey in 2024!


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